Pricing Admin

Add Single Billing Type

Single billing types will bill only once.

How to Add a Single Billing Type

1. Open the Pricing Admin.
2. Choose Add Single Billing Type from the drop-down menu.
3. Choose EUR (MUST have EU Debit enabled), USD, or other appropriate currency in the Please Choose A Currency drop-down menu.
4. Click Create.
5. Click to select the box next to Make this a Lifetime Subscription if desired (This option is not available to all users; if you're interested in activating this feature contact Merchant Support for eligibility assessment).
6. Enter a Price. Enter the amount to charge the consumer.
7. Enter a Period. The duration or length of the subscription in days. Enter the amount of time to allow access to the content.
8. In the Subscription Service Type drop-down menu, select the type of
9. Click Insert to create the billing item.

Single Billing with Lifetime Subscription Options

Lifetime Subscriptions give consumers access to your site indefinitely and can be billed in one lump sum using the single billing type.

Follow the instructions above through Step 5, then continue here:

6. In the Total Lifetime Price field enter the dollar amount of the lifetime subscription.
7. The Period prefills as Lifetime.
8. The Description displays the description of the billing type.
9. In the Subscription Service Type drop-down menu, select the applicable service type, if available (this could be Merchant Driven Settlement, Standard Billing, or other types depending upon your account settings).
10. Click Insert to create the billing item.

Add Recurring Billing Type

After selecting the Recurring Billing Type link from the Pricing Admin, the New Recurring Billing Option screen is displayed. Recurrent billing options are established on this page.

In Recurring Billing, consumers are rebilled until their subscription ends. CCBill charges consumers an initial amount during the first sign up; after the initial signup, they are rebilled for the recurring price and continue to be rebilled every recurring period until they cancel.

CCBill automatically removes the consumer information after the final billing period ends.

How To Add Recurring Billing Type

1. Open the Pricing Admin.
2. Choose Add Recurring Billing Type from the Please Choose A Billing Type drop-down menu.
3. In the Please Choose A Currency drop-down menu, choose USD or EUR (MUST have EU-Debit enabled for the account).
4. Click Create.
5. Click to select the box next to Make this a Lifetime Subscription if desired (This option is not available to all users; if you're interested in activating this feature contact Merchant Support for eligibility assessment).
6. Type the Initial Price. The initial price of the subscription in U.S. dollars or Euros. Enter the amount to charge consumers during the first sign up. Tip: To setup a trial subscription, ensure that the initial price is higher or lower than the recurring price.
7. Type the Initial Period. The initial period or length of the subscription in days. This is commonly called the trial period. Enter the number of days consumers will have access to the site before they are rebilled for the first time.
8. Type the Recurring Price. The cost of the subscription is in U.S. dollars or Euros. Enter the amount to bill consumers after the first sign up or trial period.
9. Type the Recurring Period. The duration or length of the subscription in days. Enter the amount of time to allow access to the site after the first sign up or trial period.
10. For Rebills, enter the number of times for the subscription recurrence. (e.g., To rebill consumers every month for a year, set the recurring period to 30 days and number of rebills to 12.) Click the Indefinitely radio button to rebill for an unlimited number; click the radio button next to the text field to activate it and enter a rebill number, where 99 counts for an unlimited number of rebills.
11. Click Insert to create the billing item.

To Add Recurring Billing with Lifetime Subscription

Lifetime Subscriptions give consumers access to your site indefinitely and can be billed as a payment model using the recurring billing type.

Follow the instructions above through Step 5, then continue here. Click to select the box next to Make this a Lifetime Subscription if desired.

6. In the Initial Payment Will Be field, enter the price you wish to use for the first payment.
7. In the For the Initial Period of field, enter the number of days to wait before charging for the second payment.
8. In the Followed by this many equal payments field, enter the number of payments to keep charging the consumer.
9. In the Every field, enter the number of days to wait between charges.
10. In the Of this amount field, enter the price to charge for every equal payment.
11. The Total Lifetime Price field displays the total of the initial payment and all equal payments as the total cost of the lifetime subscription.
12. In the Subscription Service Type drop-down menu, select the applicable service type, if available (this could be Merchant Driven Settlement, Standard Billing, or other types depending upon your account settings).
13. Click Insert to create the billing item.

Recurring Billing Options

Loyalty Discount

The Loyalty Discount is offered to your new customers on either the Sign Up Form or the Approval page. The discount options determine the amount of the discount, when to begin the discount, how many rebills you would like to offer the discount, and whether or not you would like to offer additional reductions or discounts after the initial discount period.

Enter the required information for the loyalty discount values as follows:

  • Discount Amount. The amount in U.S. dollars of the reduction. If the dollar amount is $0.00, then no markdown is given.
  • Starting Rebill. The rebill number to start reducing the amount of the subscription.
  • Discount Interval. The number of rebills between discounts.
  • Number of Discounts. The amount of rebills to continue to reducing the subscription amount.

Click Update to save the Loyalty Discount information to CCBill's system. Click Delete to remove the Loyalty Discount.

Review the Loyalty Discount information using the helpful Amortization Table. Click the Show Amortization Table button to display a projection of the loyalty reductions over time.

Amortization Table

This Amortization Table illustrates how the Loyalty Discount that was just created will be presented to customers, including amounts and number of discounts.

Please note that loyalty discounts are amortized, or taken accumulatively over the course of the discount period, so be aware of how much and for how long you would like to offer this discount to members.


  • Choose Price. The pricing for this discount is $5.95 for 3 days, recurring at $29.95 each 30 days.
  • Choose Price. Offer a $2.00 discount.
  • Starting Rebill. Start at rebill number 7.
  • Discount Interval. With discount intervals of every 6 rebills.
  • Number of Discounts. For no longer than 3 discount periods.

Loyal customers will pay for this subscription in the following manner:

1 - 6$29.95 at the end of each 30 days
7 - 12$27.95 at the end of each 30 days1
13 - 18$25.95 at the end of each 30 days2
19 - End of Subscription
$23.95 at the end of each 30 days
3 and last offered

Cancel Discount

The Cancel Discount is offered to customers on the CCBill Cancellation page.

Canceling members will receive this page when they:

  1. Go to the CCBill Cancellation page that is available on .
  2. Enter their email address and their Subscription ID or Credit Card number.
  3. Click to cancel their subscription from the Subscription Matrix.

Enter the required information for the cancel discount amount. This is the amount in U.S. dollars of the reduction. If the dollar amount is $0.00, then no markdown is given. For example, if you enter a $5.00 discount amount for a subscription price of $19.99, the canceling members will be offered the option to continue their subscriptions for only $14.99 a month for the remaining life of their membership.

Click Submit to save the Cancel Discount information to CCBill's system.

Click Delete to remove the Discount.

Custom Price Description

The Custom Price Description area allows you to enter your own custom label to explain the pricing options to customers. The custom text is displayed on the Sign Up Form. Typically, CCBill uses a default description for the form's pricing. You can define something to uniquely characterize the form. The custom text is optional.

Please note that the Custom Price Description area is disabled by default. Contact Merchant Support for assistance with setting up this feature.

The Description text is used to display custom information about how the pricing options are set. For example, $0.00 for 5 days (trial) then $30.00 recurring every 30 days. Enter a pricing message to display for recurring billing types in the Description text box. In recurring billing you can also have a footnote to display more information about the pricing options. The footnote is displayed towards the bottom of the Sign Up Form. The Description text box may not be displayed if it has not been set up for the subaccount.

The Recurring Description text is used to add a footnote to the form informing customers about the length of the subscription, how the pricing options are set up, or any other pertinent information about the sign up.

Required Parameters

Custom Price Descriptions allow the use of variables to represent different pre-determined values. Variables are notated using "%%" notation.

The %%initialPrice%% variable is required for the Description field and the %%recurringPrice%% variable is required in the Recurring Description field. The variables can be used at any place in either field as long as both are present in their respective fields. The %%recurringPrice%% variable can also be used in the Description field; in which case, it is not required for the Recurring Description field.

Telephone Billing Type

CCBill no longer offers Telephone Billing. The information below is intended for merchants who have had Telephone Billing before the option was retired.

CCBill offers merchants Telephone Billing Type as an expanded billing option, using third-party vendors.

Alternative billing methods are by nature, riskier and less reliable than credit card transactions in terms of the payout of sales to the merchant because the responsibility for the collection of these sales lies completely in the hands of the telephone carrier.

On average, about 20+% of the sales for these billing methods are considered to be ”uncollectible sales” for payout. Thus, there are no guarantees that CCBill will receive funds from these service providers for telephone billing sales.

Per our telephone billing service agreement, CCBill makes full disclosure of the specific terms and payment schedule for Single Telephone Billing transactions, and cannot and does not guarantee consistent sales payouts for these types of transactions to those merchants.

How To Add Telephone Billing Type

  1. Select the Add Telephone Billing Type link from the Pricing Admin to open the New Telephone Billing Pricing Option screen.
  2. Enter the Price. The cost of the subscription in U.S. dollars. Select a predefined amount to charge the consumer for the phone call.
  3. Enter the Period. The duration or length of the subscription in days. Enter the amount of time to allow access to the content.
  4. Click Store to save the new Telephone Billing Option to CCBill 's system. CCBill assigns a different phone number to each Telephone Billing Type you create.

Telephone Billing Options - Single

Telephone Billing Options displays the options and descriptions for a subscription type. The top of the page displays the Billing Type and the Billing Option number; for example, #1278.

The subscription Price and Period are displayed in this area.

The Billing Options area for single telephone billing has similar fields to those outlined in the topic Add Telephone Billing Type.

The Custom Price Description area allows you to enter your own custom label to explain the pricing options to consumers. The custom text is displayed on the Sign Up Form. Typically, CCBill uses a default description for the form's pricing. Enter a description to uniquely characterize the pricing option. This field is optional.

Please note that the Custom Price Description area is disabled by default. Contact Merchant Support for assistance with the setup.

The Description field allows you to enter a pricing message to display for telephone billing options. The Description text is used to display custom information about how the pricing options are set, e.g. $12.95 for 3 days of GOLD Membership.

View Pricing List

The View Pricing report allows you to look at a summary of the pricing options available for the subaccount. It is possible to edit the pricing options for any ID shown in the report. Later on, you may choose the subscription types to add to the Signup Form.

The fields are listed as follows:

  • Select ID. Each single billing type or recurring billing type has a unique Subscription Type ID that is automatically assigned by CCBill . To modify the form billing options, click a linked Subscription Type ID, i.e., "5835". The Single Billing Options or Recurring Billing Options area opens.
  • Cancel Discount. A discount offered to customers on the CCBill Cancellation page.★
  • Loyalty Discount. A discount offered to new customers on either the Signup Form or Approval page.★
  • Description. The pricing options to offer customers such as the subscription cost, trial period, billing type (single or recurring) and period. See Billing Type below.
  • Billing Type. Specifies whether or not the subscription will rebill. See Rebills below.
    • Single. Charge customers one time.
    • Recurring. Rebill customers until the subscription ends.
  • Rebills. The amount of times the subscription billing will recur.★
  • Form Upgrade - Add an Upgrade Form to the client account. The consumer will be able to automatically upgrade a subscription from one subaccount to another.
  • Cancel Upgrade - Remove an Upgrade Form from the client account.

★These discounts are used ONLY in Recurring Billing, not Single Billing.

Add Form Upgrade

Form Upgrades can be added to the merchant account. They permit merchants to upgrade a consumer subscription from one subaccount to a new subscription in a different subaccount. The merchant must provide the required information to CCBill. Select the following options from the drop-down menus:

  1. Upgrade To. The subaccount number to which the consumer will be upgraded.
  2. Pricing. The pricing for the upgraded subscription.
  3. Form Name. The form name used for the upgrade form.
  4. Prorate. Selecting Time will pro-rate the subscription by adding any remaining time from previous subscription to the new subscription. Selecting Amount will mark down the initial price of the new subscription based on the amount of time left on the previous subscription. Both options will bill the consumer immediately.

Add Cancel Upgrade

You may offer upgrades to consumers who are attempting to cancel their subscriptions by using the Add Cancel Upgrade option. The cancel upgrade will be available to consumers during the cancellation process but will disappear after the cancellation is complete.

  1. In the Pricing Admin click Catch All Cancel Upgrade.
  2. Choose the subaccount to offer an upgrade to from the Upgrade To drop-down menu.
  3. Select the Pricing to offer for the upgraded subscription.
  4. Choose a Form from the drop-down menu.
  5. In the Special Offer menu, choose Yes to allow an upgrade without cancelling the current subscription, No to cancel the previous subscription (selecting Yes removes the Prorate option mentioned in the next step).
  6. To Prorate, select Time or Amount from the drop-down menu. Time will add any remaining time for the existing subscription to the new subscription, Amount will credit any remaining funds from the original subscription to the new subscription (both will bill the consumer immediately).
  7. Choosing Yes for Shared Authentication will allow the originating and destination account to use the same password file/database. With this option we will not try to add to the destination account or remove from the originating account during the upgrade.
  8. Click Add Upgrade to apply the changes.