400 | Bad Request | 100100 | Invalid client account. |
400 | Bad Request | 100102 | Expired payment token. |
400 | Bad Request | 100105 | Invalid payout type. |
400 | Bad Request | 100106 | Invalid privacy type. |
400 | Bad Request | 100107 | Invalid program category. |
400 | Bad Request | 100108 | Invalid payment type. |
400 | Bad Request | 100109 | Invalid program participation. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Problem with attribute size. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Attribute required. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Problem with the attribute values. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid credit card number. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid email address. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Client Accnum. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Client Subacc. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Subscription ID. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Target Client Accnum. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Target Client Subacc. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Program Participation ID. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Too many programs found between merchants. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Program does not exist between merchants. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Program is Inactive. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Token. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Customer and Payment Information required for zero Subscription ID. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid 3DS Cavv. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid 3DS Cavv Algorithm. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid 3DS Xid. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid 3DS Ds Trans Id. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid 3DS Acs Trans Id. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Threeds request parameters need to contain either 3DS verification parameters or error parameters to be valid. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Problem with attribute digit format. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Problem with data type. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid Program ID. |
400 | Bad Request | 200000 | Invalid date range. |
401 | Unauthorized | N/A | invalid_token |
403 | Forbidden | 100020 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found | 100101 | Invalid payment token. |
404 | Not Found | 100104 | Lookup Object Not Found. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100103 | Transaction error. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100105 | Unable to complete the transaction required to create a payment token. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100106 | There was an internal error, or a database error and the requested action could not be completed, or Data Link is inactive for user. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100107 | The IP address the client was attempting to authenticate on was not in the valid range. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100108 | The client's account has been deactivated for use on the Datalink system or the client is not permitted to perform the requested action. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100109 | The client has unsuccessfully logged into the system 3 or more times in the last hour. The client should wait an hour before attempting to login again and is advised to review the login information. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100110 | Throttled, number of transactions has reached limit. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100111 | Throttled, total money amount has reached the limit. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100112 | Unable to determine if 3DS is required. |
500 | Internal Server Error | 100113 | Unable to retrieve authorized amount. |