This document is provided as a technical resource to CCBill merchants. It discusses the features and implementation of the CCBill Webhooks system. This document is intended to be read by programmers, technicians, and others with advanced coding skills.
Users of this guide should have programming skills sufficient enough to enable your own system(s) to retrieve the data sent to the URLs that you have set up for Webhooks data push. This guide seeks to provide you with the functionality to pass consumer data into the CCBill payment form as well as the variables sent and potential parameters of those variables for all transactional events on an account.
In July, 2017, the ability to choose between two different formats of the Webhook data was added. The original formatting is referred to as “URL Encoded” and uses the content type application/x-www-form-encoded. The newer formatting is referred to as “JSON” and formats the data to follow the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) open-standard file format and uses the content type application/json.
In October, 2013, we added support in Webhooks for different versions. This ensures that any changes to the Webhooks system we will not break your existing configuration.
If a Webhook has more than one version it will display tabbed content. Click the tab for the version you are using to view the details of that call.
In April, 2017, we added support for TLS 1.2 encryption protocol.
In May and June, 2017, we included additional parameters to multiple events.
In July, 2017, we included support for selecting specific configuration version numbers per each Webhook URL event type. This allows users to select previous versions or to upgrade to the newest version through a drop down menu that displays all available version numbers. Also included with this update was the ability to select the JSON formatted webhook data. The supported formats are listed within each version listed in the sections bellow.
The ChangeLog at the end of this document will summarize the changes made for each version.
Variables can be passed to the payment form in order to pre-fill consumer information. This can be implemented for the purpose of multi-part forms, custom tracking, and other implementations. Variables are passed to the payment form from the page preceding it through the use of an HTML form, or by passing in the variables through the URL string. Code examples are given below.
Custom tracking variables can also be sent to the form. These values will be posted back to the Webhooks URL when the transaction is complete. To define these variables, simply specify a variable name and a value in the same manner as the other variables being passed.
Optional custom tracking variables can be added manually by creating additional HTML form fields or passing the additional variables into the URL string, depending on the chosen submission method.
The following example shows basic HTML button code, with two custom variables added. The button created will, when clicked, take the consumer to the CCBill payment form while passing in the two custom variables:
<form action='' method=POST>
<input type=hidden name=clientAccnum value='900000'>
<input type=hidden name=clientSubacc value='0001'>
<input type=hidden name=formName value='211cc'>
<input type=hidden name=language value='English'>
<input type=hidden name=allowedTypes value='0000003361:840,0000004657:840,0000060748:840,0000060750:840,0000060752:840'> <input type=hidden name=subscriptionTypeId value='0000004657:840'>
<input type=hidden name=customVarName1 value=customVarValue1>
<input type=hidden name=customVarName2 value=customVarValue2>
<input type=submit name=submit value='Join Now'>
Please note that customVarName1 and customVarName2 are only example names and can be anything you choose. The values can also be anything you choose.
You may use a text link instead of a button if desired. The following example shows how to do this using data identical to the previous form example:,0000004607:840,0000060248:840,0000063750:840,0000060752:840&subscriptionTypeId=0000004657:840&customVarName1=customVarValue1&customVarName2=customVarValue2
Both methods serve the same purpose and either can be used.
Information can also be passed to the CCBill payment form using dynamic variables in a custom script. A custom HTML form can call the script, which then sends the variables to the CCBill payment form.
The form you create will pass data entered by the consumer to the next form, which will then pass the variables to the CCBill payment form. Upon completion of the transaction, data will be sent to the Webhooks URL.
The following code example uses Perl/CGI code to output a hidden HTML form field using a dynamic variable:
print "<input type=hidden name=customer_fname value='$cust_first_name'>";
Other languages will have different statements and syntax for data output, such as print or echo statements in PHP. Link code can be output in a similar fashion to the HTML form code above, replacing any number of static variable values with dynamic variables.
Please refer any questions you have concerning this type of code to a qualified programmer.
When a transaction is approved or denied, data will be sent to the Webhooks URL, if that event has been selected within the configuration. The data sent will include everything passed into the payment form along with the data entered into the payment form by the consumer, excluding payment information. This data can be parsed and handled in whichever way the script is coded.
Data can be captured in multiple ways depending on the language in which the Webhooks script is written. For example:
Using PHP
The following line captures the consumer’s first name and assigns it to a variable called $fname. The variable $fname can be named anything you choose.
$fname = $_POST["customer_fname"]
Using Perl/CGI
The following line captures the consumer’s first name and assigns it to a variable called $fname. The variable $fname can be named anything you choose.
$fname = param("customer_fname")__
Other languages will have appropriate functions to capture POST data. Note that variable names must be entered exactly as they appear in this document.
Once the script captures these variable values, the script can handle the data in any manner specified in the script, such as inputting the information into a database.
CCBill has a set of specified system variables that can be used to pull data from CCBill’s system. Two variable sets are used, one for each of the following situations:
In both cases, custom variables will be sent exactly as they were entered.
System variable names must be entered exactly as they appear in this list.
The following chart lists each variable that can be pre-filled in the payment form:
Variable Name | Description |
customer_fname | Consumer first name |
customer_lname | Consumer last name |
address1 | Consumer address |
Consumer email address | |
city | Consumer city |
state | Consumer state |
zipcode | Consumer Zip Code |
country | Consumer country |
phone_number | Consumer phone number |
username | Consumer username |
password | Consumer password |
lifeTimeSubscription |
The following variables can also be passed into the payment form, but are not shown on the form:
Variable Name | Description | Example Value |
referer | CCBill affiliate ID number. This value is passed as ‘reseller’ when using Traffic Manager to cascade to Epoch forms. | 1626321 |
formName | Three or more character codes identifying the form. | 13cc |
confirm_password | Confirm the password on the signup form. | 0 or 1 (yes or no) |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID. | 0108191202000001259 |
allowedTypes | The subscription options that will appear on the form; this value is generated automatically in the Admin. | 0000003761:840,0000004607:840 |
After at least one Webhook has been saved you will be presented with the option to edit, remove, or add more. You may add up to 4 Webhooks, and each may use different URLs if you wish.
Whenever you create a new configuration it will create a configuration that matches the most current version of Webhooks. If you have a configuration that was already created under an older version of Webhooks you will be given the option to upgrade the configuration.
Updating an existing Webhook to change the URL will NOT upgrade an existing configuration to a new version.
Adding a new event to an existing Webhooks configuration created in an older version of Webhooks will result in the newly added event having the current version of that event while all of the events that were in the configuration will continue to use the previous version of the event.
You will receive Webhooks from the following CCBill IP ranges:
You can use this information to setup firewall rules or confirm the validity of a Webhook from within your application.
Webhooks sends 4 URL parameters with posts that are intended to let you know what type of Webhook is contained in the post. The following parameters are sent:
clientAccnum | The Merchant's account number. |
clientSubacc | The Merchant subaccount number. |
eventType | The Webhook event being sent, such as NewSaleSuccess or Expiration |
eventGroupType | The event group that the event type falls in. At this time, only Subscription is a valid option. |
The URL Parameters make up the first line in the following Webhooks Post Example.
URL Encoded Format
POST /webhooks.php?clientAccnum=999999&clientSubacc=9999&eventType=Expiration&eventGroupType=Subscription HTTP/1.1
X-Allowed-Satellites: PHX,ASH,AMS
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 102
User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_03
Via: 1.1 (squid/2.7.STABLE5), 1.0 internal
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Connection: keep-alive
clientAccnum=999999&clientSubacc=9999&subscriptionId=0913024401000012340×tamp=2013-01-25 03:22:44
JSON Format
POST /webhooks.php?clientAccnum=999999&clientSubacc=9999&eventType=Expiration&eventGroupType=Subscription HTTP/1.1
X-Allowed-Satellites: PHX,ASH,AMS
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 102
User-Agent: Java/1.6.0_03
Via: 1.1 (squid/2.7.STABLE5), 1.0 internal
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Connection: keep-alive
{"clientAccnum":"999999","clientSubacc":"9999","subscriptionId":"0913024401000012340","timestamp":"2013-01-25 03:22:44"}
If you use these features on a WordPress installation and iThemes Security plugin, you may encounter issues receiving posts from CCBill. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
1. Log in to the WordPress website.
2. Click on Security Settings.
3. Click on Banned Users.
4. Uncheck the Enable's blacklist feature.
The following sections detail the notifications that Webhooks can send to your URL and lists the variables that are included in the notification push. The information included in each notification type is included in the last line of the above Webhooks post example.
In the above example, the Webhook being sent is for the Expiration Webhook. For each different Webhook sent, the information sent will be different (based on the eventType parameter in the first line), but the formatting will be the same.
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Supported Formats: URL Encoded, JSON
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) | Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number. | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
price | Product price (as shown on the form). | string | 5.95 for 30 days (non‐recurring) |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned | 900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0000 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions. | string | 2021-08-20 |
Some fields, such as avsResponse and cvv2Response, will not be sent if the associated features have not been configured by Merchant Support.
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number. | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
productDesc | Description of the product purchased. | varchar(50) | Sample product description text. |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number. | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
productDesc | Description of the product purchased. | varchar(50) | Sample product description text. |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number. | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
flexId | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
productDesc | Description of the product purchased. | varchar(50) | Sample product description text. |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number. | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
flexId | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
productDesc | Description of the product purchased. | varchar(50) | Sample product description text. |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number. | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
flexId | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
productDesc | Description of the product purchased. | varchar(50) | Sample product description text. |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number. | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
flexId | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
productDesc | Description of the product purchased. | varchar(50) | Sample product description text. |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
threeDSecure | Indicates whether 3DS authentication was successful or not. | string | NOT_APPLICABLE, AUTH_SUCCESS, AUTH_ATTEMPTED, AUTH_FAILED, AUTH_UNAVAILABLE |
Some fields, such as avsResponse and cvv2Response, will not be sent if the associated features have not been configured by Merchant Support.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
failureReason | Text equivalent of failureCode. | string | Invalid Input. |
failureCode | Decline code sent from the bank. | string | BE-140 |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc |
flexId | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
failureReason | Text equivalent of failureCode. | string | Invalid Input. |
failureCode | Decline code sent from the bank. | string | BE-140 |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
formName | Three (or more) character code for | ||
the CCBill form. | char(255) | 13cc | |
flexId | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
priceDescription | Initial Price Description. | string | 10.00(USD) for 10 days (trial) then 10.00(USD) recurring every 30 days |
recurringPriceDescription | The price to be charged on subsequent rebill dates. | string | 22.22(USD) recurring every 30 days |
billedInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | string | 4.95 |
billedRecurringPrice | Recurring price of the subscription. | string | 19.95 |
billedCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer was billed. | int(3) | 978 |
subscriptionInitialPrice | The initial price of the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionRecurringPrice | The recurring price of the subscription. | decimal(7,2) | 4.99 |
subscriptionCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 |
accountingInitialPrice | The initial price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingRecurringPrice | The recurring price, in USD, that the Merchant receives for the subscription. | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 |
initialPeriod | The initial period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
7 |
recurringPeriod | The recurring period of the subscription (in days). | smallint(4) unsigned |
30 |
rebills | The total number of rebills for the subscription. | tinyint(2) unsigned |
12 |
subscriptionTypeId | Subscription Type ID number identifying the price point used in the transaction. | int(10) | 0000060748 |
dynamicPricingValidationDigest | Hash digest of a Dynamic Pricing response. If not using Dynamic Pricing, this value will return as a blank string. | string(32) | s4f5198jgd21a4pk1p2s7sd23lm58937 |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
prePaid | Indicates whether a prepaid card was used for payment. | string | 0, 1 |
avsResponse | The Response Code sent from the Address Verification system. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | Y |
cvv2Response | The Response Code sent from the CVV2 Verification System. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | M |
affiliateSystem | Indicates the Affiliate System used. | string | LTS WMS Miscellaneous |
referringUrl | URL from which the transaction was referred. | string | |
failureReason | Text equivalent of failureCode. | string | Invalid Input. |
failureCode | Decline code sent from the bank. | string | BE-140 |
lifeTimeSubscription | Indicates if the transaction is a Lifetime Subscription. Is not posted if not positive. | int | 1 |
lifeTimePrice | Indicates the price paid for a lifetime subscription. | string | 40.25 |
Pass-through Key/Values | Pass-through value pairs are passed with this post, if they exist. | string | Varies. Multiple pass-through sets can be sent. |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
threeDSecure | Indicates whether 3DS authentication was successful or not. | string | NOT_APPLICABLE, AUTH_SUCCESS, AUTH_ATTEMPTED, AUTH_FAILED, AUTH_UNAVAILABLE |
Same as NewSaleSuccess but with these additional parameters added. UpgradeSuccess has multiple versions; take care to use the appropriate version of that Webhook when coding for this Webhook.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
The same as NewSaleFailure but with these additional parameters added.
Supported Formats: URL Encoded, JSON
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) | Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
Same as NewSaleSuccess but with these additional parameters added. UpSaleSuccess has multiple versions; take care to use the appropriate version of that Webhook when coding for this Webhook.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
flexID | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
flexID | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
The same as NewSaleFailure but with these additional parameters added. NewSaleFailure has multiple versions; take care to use the appropriate version of that Webhook when coding for this Webhook.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
flexID | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
The same as NewSaleSuccess but with these additional parameters added. NewSaleSuccess has multiple versions; take care to use the appropriate version of that Webhook when coding for this Webhook.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
flexID | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
flexID | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
The same as NewSaleFailure but with these additional parameters added. NewSaleFailure has multiple versions; take care to use the appropriate version of that Webhook when coding for this Webhook.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
originalSubscriptionId | The Subscription ID associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | string | 0912187401000000099 |
originalClientAccnum | The Merchant Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | int | 900003 |
originalClientSubacc | The Merchant Sub Account Number associated with the original subscription, before an upgrade, upsale, or cross sale occurred. | short | 0005 |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
flexID | Displays the Flex ID of a form if the form used is a FlexForm, does not appear if a FlexForm is not used. | UUID(36) | cb617dcc-8467-49ab-b3a7-735ce1d60ad9 |
Supported Formats: URL Encoded, JSON
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) | Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned | 900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2021‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
source | The source of an upgrade, upsale, cross sale, or cancellation. | string | FORM, API, or PHONE |
Always perpend Pass-through Key/Values with X-
Supported Formats: URL Encoded, JSON
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) | Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned | 900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2021‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
Supported Formats: URL Encoded, JSON
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) | Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned | 900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2021‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions. | string | 2021-09-19 |
This Webhook is only triggered when a customer alters their billing information via It will not be triggered when a customer’s login information is altered within the CCBill admin.
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | |
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value | |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 | |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 | |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 | |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 | |
firstName | The first name of the consumer. | string | John | |
lastName | The last name of the consumer | string | Doe | |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed | |
address1 | Consumer address. | varchar(30) | 123 Main Street | |
city | Consumer city. | varchar(30) | Anytown | |
state | Consumer state. | varchar(20) | AZ | |
country | Consumer country. | varchar(30) | US | |
postalCode | Consumer ZIP Code. | varchar(10) | 50115 | |
Consumer Email address. | varchar(40) | | ||
phoneNumber | Consumer phone number; appears as entered by consumer. | varchar(20) | (515) 555-1212 | |
ipAddress | Consumer IP Address | varchar(31) | | |
reservationId | Consumer’s subscription Reservation ID number. | bigint(20) unsigned |
0109072310330002423 | |
username | Consumer username. | varchar(16) | username1 | |
password | Consumer password. | varchar(30) | mYPaSSw0rD | |
paymentType | The payment type used for the transaction. | string | Possible Values: CREDIT, CHECK, TELEPHONE, or DPEU | |
cardType | Credit Card type used for a CREDIT transaction. Only displays if payment type = CREDIT. | string | VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, JCB, AMEX, OTHER | |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 | |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
billedAmount | The price billed to the consumer for the renewal (rebill). | string | 4.95 |
billedCurrency | String Representation of billedCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
billedCurrencyCode | The three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, to be paid to the Merchant for the renewal (rebill). | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
billedAmount | The price billed to the consumer for the renewal (rebill). | string | 4.95 |
billedCurrency | String Representation of billedCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
billedCurrencyCode | The three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, to be paid to the Merchant for the renewal (rebill). | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
renewalDate | The transaction date of the rebill. | string | 2012-09-19 |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
billedAmount | The price billed to the consumer for the renewal (rebill). | string | 4.95 |
billedCurrency | String Representation of billedCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
billedCurrencyCode | The three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, to be paid to the Merchant for the renewal (rebill). | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
renewalDate | The transaction date of the rebill. | string | 2012-09-19 |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
billedAmount | The price billed to the consumer for the renewal (rebill). | string | 4.95 |
billedCurrency | String Representation of billedCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
billedCurrencyCode | The three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, to be paid to the Merchant for the renewal (rebill). | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
renewalDate | The transaction date of the rebill. | string | 2012-09-19 |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
billedAmount | The price billed to the consumer for the renewal (rebill). | string | 4.95 |
billedCurrency | String Representation of billedCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
billedCurrencyCode | The three‐digit currency in which the consumer will be rebilled. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, to be paid to the Merchant for the renewal (rebill). | decimal(9,2) | 4.99 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency in which the Merchant will be paid. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
nextRenewalDate | Next billing date for recurring subscriptions | string | 2012-09-19 |
renewalDate | The transaction date of the rebill. | string | 2012-09-19 |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
failureReason | Text equivalent of failureCode. | string | Invalid Input. |
failureCode | Decline code sent from the bank. | string | BE-140 |
nextRetryDate | The next time billing will be attempted for recurring subscriptions. | string | 2012-08-20 |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
failureReason | Text equivalent of failureCode. | string | Invalid Input. |
failureCode | Decline code sent from the bank. | string | BE-140 |
nextRetryDate | The next time billing will be attempted for recurring subscriptions. | string | 2012-08-20 |
renewalDate | The transaction date of the rebill. | string | 2012-09-15 |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
failureReason | Text equivalent of failureCode. | string | Invalid Input. |
failureCode | Decline code sent from the bank. | string | BE-140 |
nextRetryDate | The next time billing will be attempted for recurring subscriptions. | string | 2012-08-20 |
renewalDate | The transaction date of the rebill. | string | 2012-09-15 |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
bin | BIN of the Credit Card used | mediumint(6) unsigned |
510510 |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount charged back. | string | 4.95 |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the chargeback. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, charged back. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount refunded to the consumer. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the refund. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, refunded to the consumer. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount refunded to the consumer. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the refund. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, refunded to the consumer. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount refunded to the consumer. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the refund. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, refunded to the consumer. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount refunded to the consumer. | string | 4.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the refund. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, refunded to the consumer. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
This event has more than one version. Click the tab for the version you want to view.
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount of the voided transaction. | string | 4.95 |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the voided transaction. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, of the voided transaction. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount of the voided transaction. | string | 4.95 |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the voided transaction. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, of the voided transaction. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount of the voided transaction. | string | 4.95 |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the voided transaction. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, of the voided transaction. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Variable Name | Description | Data Type (Max Length) |
Example Value |
transactionId | Transaction identification number. | string | 0912191101000000159 |
subscriptionId | Subscription ID Number (Approval Post URL only). | bigint(20) unsigned | 1000000000 |
clientAccnum | CCBill Merchant main account number. | mediumint(6) unsigned |
900100 |
clientSubacc | CCBill Merchant Sub Account Number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill |
0000 |
timestamp | Time the event occurred. | date | 2012‐08‐05 15:18:17 |
amount | The amount of the voided transaction. | string | 4.95 |
currency | String Representation of currencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
currencyCode | The three‐digit currency corresponding to the voided transaction. | int(3) | 978 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
accountingAmount | The price, in USD, of the voided transaction. | string | 9.95 |
accountingCurrency | String Representation of accountingCurrencyCode | Varchar(3) | USD, EUR, GBP, CAD |
accountingCurrencyCode | Three‐digit currency code for the accounting amount. | int(3) | 840 (see Appendix A for a list of Currency Codes.) |
cardType | The type of Credit Card used | varchar(20) | VISA |
paymentAccount | Field must be configured by CCBill for data to be sent. | alpha-numeric hash | 57bc7327b5d721d7d20b240c0357e6ed |
paymentType | The type of payment | varchar(10) | CREDIT |
last4 | Last 4 digits of the Credit Card number or Banking Account number. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 5100 |
expDate | Expiration Date for Credit Card or Payment Card provided. | smallint(4) unsigned zerofill | 0217 (MMYY) |
reason | The Reason given for a cancellation, chargeback, refund, or void, if any. | string | Customer Refunded, Proof of cancel, Webmaster, Billed cancel. |
Currency Numeric Code | Currency Letter Code | Currency Name |
036 | AUD | Australian Dollar |
124 | CAD | Canadian Dollar |
392 | JPY | Japanese Yen |
826 | GBP | United Kingdom Pound |
840 | USD | United States Dollar |
978 | EUR | Euro Member Countries |
Decline Code | Decline Text |
1 | Website is not available for signup |
2 | Unable to determine website signup requirements |
3 | Your card type is not accepted, please try another type of credit card |
4 | Banking System Error |
5 | The credit card you entered is not valid |
6 | Please check to ensure you entered your expiration dateUsed to show individual corresponding yearly, monthly or daily dates for report data. The date function's format is year-month-day; for example, 2002-01-01. correctly |
7 | Please check to ensure you entered your bank account number correctly |
8 | Please check to ensure you entered your bank's routing number correctly |
9 | Banking System Error, please try again |
10 | Website has invalid pricing |
11 | Transaction Declined |
12 | You currently have a subscription and are unable to signup |
13 | You have already had a free trial |
14 | You must enter your CVV2 number on the back of your card |
15 | Your account is currently being processed, please check the website you are joining to see if you have access. If not, please contact |
16 | Subscription ID Provided is invalid |
17 | Subscription ID does not exist in system |
18 | Previous Transaction Attempt in request was declined |
19 | You are not authorized to signup with the provided credentials |
20 | No Decline |
21 | You have already had a trial, please select a normal recurring membership option |
22 | Error contacting bank, please try again later |
23 | Invalid Credit Card Provided |
24 | Transaction Denied by Bank |
25 | Bank Error |
26 | Card Processing Setup Incorrect for Merchant |
27 | System Error, Please Try Again |
28 | We are unable to process your transaction at this time. Please try again at a later time |
29 | Card Expired |
30 | We are unable to bill the telephone number provided for this transaction. Please return to the website and choose an alternate payment method. |
31 | Insufficient Funds |
32 | You must provide CVV2 to complete transaction |
33 | Unable to determine transaction type |
34 | Error contacting bank, please try again later |
35 | Card Declined at Pre-Auth SC |
36 | Unable To Contact Bank |
37 | We currently do not process for your bank's bin |
38 | Transaction Refused by Issuing Bank |
39 | You Have Submitted Too Many Times Today |
40 | The Card you are using is not accepted by this Merchant |
41 | Merchant Inactive |
42 | Incorrect Address Provided |
43 | We are unable to process your telephone billing transaction because your provider only allows for one charge, per telephone number, per day, and our records show that you have an existing daily charge to this telephone number. Please return to the website and choose an alternative payment method. |
44 | We're sorry, at this time prepaid cards are not allowed. Please try a different card type. |
45 | Transaction requires additional approval: please refer to your confirmation e-mail for further instructions. |
Initial Release.
October 30, 2013
April 24, 2014
April 13, 2017
May 11, 2017
New parameter bin is added and Merchants can now receive the credit card BIN allowing them better track consumer trends.
June 1, 2017
The following parameters have been added and/or affected these Webhooks and versions:
July 19, 2017
February 11, 2020