Managing FlexForms Payment Flows

A payment flow is the path customers follow when paying on your website. The FlexForms system enables you to control and design unique payment flows and enhance the customer’s checkout experience.

You can redirect customers to custom approval or denial pages, promotional forms, or set up cascades to other payment processors to reduce cart abandonment rates.

In this guide, you will learn how to adjust your payment flows without replacing live links or resetting payment forms.

Payment Flow Map

After creating the first payment flow, the FlexForms system displays a user-friendly map that allows merchants to visualize and quickly edit their payment flows and forms.

To access a payment flow map in FlexForms:

1. Access the Admin Portal.

2. Ensure that the subaccount dropdown menu is set to All.

3. Select FlexForms Systems.

4. Click FlexForms Payment Links.

Accessing FlexForms in the CCBill Admin.

5. Expand the Flow Map for a specific Payment Flow.

Expand a specific payment flow.

Modify the individual tiles in the flow map to adjust existing and design new payment flows.

Modify individual tiles in a payment flow.

Sandbox and Live

All Payment Flows and forms are created in sandbox mode. No external users can access the sandbox link, and any links you obtain from the sandbox can only be used when you are logged in to the CCBill Admin Portal. The sandbox environment is meant only for testing.

At the top of the screen is a toggle switch. The switch indicates which mode you are in.

Toggle between Sandbox and Live environments in the FlexForms dashboard.

Setting the slider to Sandbox allows merchants to work in the Sandbox environment. This is the default mode and will enable you to create and edit payment flows and forms.

If the slider is set to Live, you can view your live Payment Flows and get the Web Widget and URL code for live forms. You cannot make any changes in the Live Mode.

Payment Flow Name

Each Payment Flow must have a unique name. The name is not visible to customers and is intended to help merchants differentiate between different payment flows.

To change to Payment Flow Name, click the name field, update the name, and Save.

Enter payment flow name in FlexForms dashboard.

Flex ID

The FlexForms system gives each payment flow a unique ID. The Flex ID is used when integrating FlexForms with third-party platforms.

Location of the FlexID in the FlexForms menu.

For example, if an ecommerce platform supports CCBill FlexForms, adding the Flex ID enables the platform to redirect the customer to the correct payment flow during checkout.

Web Widget

Merchants can place the Web Widget code on their website and modify payment links and buttons from the Admin Portal without updating their website.

Retrieve Web Widget code from FlexForms dashboard.

The Widget Code menu (Link Codes) contains direct links and button types that merchants can copy and paste on a website to call a specific payment flow.

Copy and paste FlexForms Web Widget code.

The Web Widgets code is different in Live and Sandbox mode. Use the Web Widget code or link URL from the Live environment and place it on your site so customers can use the payment flow to make purchases.

Edit Widget Label

You can use the Link Codes pop-up window to change the text in the Widget button or link. The available predefined options are:

  • Buy with CCBill
  • Join with CCBill
  • Subscribe with CCBill
  • Donate with CCBill
FlexForms Web Widget customization options.

Button or Link

The Web Widget is customizable and can appear as a button or hyperlink. Additional customization options, such as style and color, are available.

Options to customize web widget.

Open Payment From in New Tab

Merchants also have the option to configure the payment form to open in a new tab or in the same tab.

Open FlexForms payment form in new tab.

The Web Widget is accessible directly from the Admin Portal and provides merchants with a preview of the payment flow. It is used for testing payments.

Web Widget preview link in the FlexForms dashboard.

Primary Tile

Each payment flow starts with the Primary Tile. The customer is redirected from the Primary Tile and takes the Approval path if their transaction is approved or the Deny path if the transaction is unsuccessful.

FlexForms payment flow Primary Tile.

By clicking the Primary tile, merchants can edit the starting point of their payment flow. They can create a new form, set a custom URL as the primary tile, or use an existing payment form.

Editing the FlexForms Primary Tile.

The Form Carousel provides a small preview of available forms in the Forms Library. Merchants can navigate, filter, scroll, and modify form properties.

FlexForms form carousel.

Selecting the Modify This Form option while a form is centered, allows merchants to customize form properties.

Modify payment form using Form Carousel.

The A/B Group section is for creating A/B testing flows and measuring the effectiveness of different flows and forms.

Redirect Tiles

The tiles directly below and to the right of the Primary Tile are called Redirect Tiles. By default, the system creates an Approval and Deny redirect tile. Every new redirect you add always defaults to the same state: No Redirect.

Redirect tiles in the FlexForms payment flow.

The No Redirect state presents customers with the default CCBill Approval or Deny page, depending on the outcome of their transaction. There are no further redirections.

If you do not want to redirect customers to the default page, click the Modify link on the redirect tiles to add the desired behavior.

Deny Path

The Path Markers help merchants identify tiles and know when a customer is going to be redirected to the next tile if one exists.

Click Modify in the No Redirect box to the right of the Primary Tile because the Deny Path marker points to that tile. Merchants often use this option to redirect customers to a different form if the initial transaction was unsuccessful.

The Deny path tile in the FlexForms dashboard.

The Deny Path modification window has similar options and features as the Primary Tile window.

Deny tiles do not have a Payment Flow Name field but have an additional slider for configuring redirection times.

Modify Deny path setting in  the FlexForms menu.

Once you are satisfied with the settings, click Save.

Approval Path

Modifying the Approval Path is similar to editing the Deny Path. However, merchants cannot redirect to a New or Existing form.

They can redirect customers to a URL or add a URL for them to click on instead of being automatically redirected. The unavailable items are grayed out.

Modify FlexForms Approval Path.

Merchants can use the Approval Path tile to add links to their members’ area or a similar location.