FlexForms Supported Languages and Currencies

The FlexForms system considers multiple factors to determine which language and initial currency to display on the payment form:

  1. The system checks if a form language parameter was passed to the payment form.
  2. If no parameters were passed, FlexForms check the browser language settings and displays the form in that language.
  3. If the first two methods are not applicable, the system reverts to GeoIP to determine the country of origin and adjust the language and currency accordingly. The GeoIP function proceeds to:
  • Set the initial value for the country field.
  • Set the initial currency.
  • Set the CCBill Support phone number (CCBill Only).
  • Set Copyright attribution (CCBill Only).
  • Determine the available payment methods.

Supported Languages

The FlexForms System supports multiple languages:

KoreanTraditional ChineseSimplified Chinese
Português BrasileiroHindiSvenska

Variables, such as product descriptions, are not translated into the target language. Manipulate your payment flows and assign product descriptions in different languages to meet your customers’ needs.

Supported Currencies

FlexForms support the following currencies:


Only some currencies are available for specific payment methods.