Promotion and Discount Systems

Upsale Promotions

Use promotions to increase your average transaction size and boost profits. Learn how to use these sales techniques by following our guide Cross-Sell Vs. Upsell.

Upsale promotions are secondary subscription offers for another account or subaccount. Upsales can be created and offered to consumers when they sign up and are approved for a subscription.

Upsales allows you to add new upsales and display a list of your upsales.

Upsale promotions are secondary subscription offers for another main account or subaccount. Upsale promotions can be created and offered to your customers at two different times during the Signup Process:

  • Form Upsale - In the format of an Upsale Promo Box located directly on the Signup Form .
  • Approval Upsale - On the Approval page, presented to the customer when the sale has been accepted.

The following links are displayed in the Upsale Selection Pane:

  • Create Upsale - To add an upsale, click the Create Upsale link. The Create Upsale area opens.
  • View List - Displays an Upsales Report listing the source accounts, destinations and pricing options for the upsale.

Create Upsale

The Create New Upsale area allows you to set up a subaccount/website and the subscription pricing options for an upsale link.

Set up the following on the page:

  • Subaccount - The CCBill subaccount number , which will be the source of the upsale.
  • Upsale To - The CCBill main account and/ or subaccount number for the upsale's destination. This is the website where the upsale will be sent.
  • Pricing - The pricing options to offer the customer for the upsale such as the subscription cost, trial period, billing type (single or recurring) and period.

Click the Create Upsale button to save the new upsale to CCBill's system. The link information for the subaccount/ website and pricing will be added to the upsale list. You can select the upsale link from the Promotion drop-down menu on the Add or Update Promotional Sales page.

Setting Up Upsale Promotions

Upsales send Promotional sales to other CCBill subaccounts, which are under the CCBill main account. For example, if the main account number is 900100-0000, then you could send an Upsale to subaccount 900100-0001.

  1. From Up Sales in Premium Features, choose a subaccount and a form name .
    • In the Sub Account drop-down menu choose a source account for the Upsale. This is the website, which will be the source of the Upsale.
    • In the Form Name drop-down menu choose a form name to display the Upsale information. Choose from the current library of Sign Up Forms. You can look at the layout of the form to determine which form you are going to use for the Upsale. To do this, click the view samples link to open the form in a new window.
    • If you want to browse the form library for the subaccount, click the PREV and NEXT links to view all the successive forms available. When you have finished viewing the forms, click the SELECT link. The form window will automatically close.
    • Click Go. This opens the Promotional Sales page in the Form Admin area of the Tools section. The remaining steps of this guide refer to options that are set up in Promotional Sales area.
  2. When you click into the Promotional Sales area, "Upsales" will automatically be selected in the Promotion Type Select box. Do not change this setting.
  3. From the Promotion drop-down menu, choose the subaccount/website and pricing to display for the Upsale. This is the destination account and pricing for the Upsale.
    If you want to add a different link for an Upsale, click the New Upsale button. Refer to the topic Create New Upsale page for more information about setting up an Upsale link.
  4. From the Referrer Text Box, type the CCBill Affiliate ID for the Upsale. If you are using the CCBill Affiliate System , click the Check Box to the right of the Text Box.
  5. From the Promo Text drop-down menu, choose the advertisement information to display on the Sign Up Form or Approval page for the Upsale's subaccount.
  6. Do not change the position of the Prompt Location Select Box. One of the following will be automatically selected for you:
    • Form - The Upsale will be presented on the Sign Up Form or the first part of the sign up process.
    • Approval - The Upsale will be presented on the Approval page or the last part of the sign up process.
    • Both - The Upsale will be presented on the Sign Up Form and/ or Approval page. If the consumer selects the Upsale on the Sign Up Form then the Upsale will not be presented again on the Approval page. Otherwise, the Upsale will be presented on both the Sign Up Form and Approval page.
  7. Submit the Promotional Sales information to CCBill's system.
  8. Click the Create Promotional Sale button on the bottom of the Promotional page to save the Upsale information.

Cross Sales Setup Guide

Cross Sales send Promotional sales to CCBill between partner accounts.

For example, If your CCBill main account number is 900100, then you could set up a cross-sale relationship with account 900053, provided the owners of both accounts agree to partnership together. Both cross-sale partners must be pre-approved by CCBill in order for both of you to have a cross-sale relationship together.

  1. Select the appropriate Account and Subaccount you want to work with.
  2. On the Account Info menu in the Admin Portal, click the Form Cross Sales link in the Manage Subaccounts area.
  3. In the Sub Account drop-down menu choose a source account for the cross sale. This is the website which will be the source of the Cross Sale.
  4. In the Form Name drop-down menu choose a form name to display the cross sale information. Choose from the current library of Sign Up Forms. (View the layout of the form to determine which form you are going to use for the cross sale by clicking the View Samples link to open the form in a new window.)
    • If you want to browse the form library for the subaccount, click the Prev and Next links to view all the successive forms available. When you have finished viewing the forms, click the Select link. The form window will automatically close.
  5. Click Go. This opens the Form Admin area of the Tools section.
    The following steps of this guide refer to options that are set up in the Promotional Sales area:
  6. Click the Promotional Sales link at the left of the Form Admin, "Cross Sales" will automatically be selected in the Promotion Type Select box. Do not change this setting.
  7. From the Promotion drop-down menu, choose the account/website and pricing to display for the cross sale. This is the Partner Destination account and pricing for the cross sale.
    • If you do not have any Partner accounts available in the Promotion drop-down menu list, email the sales department, for information about setting up partnerships with other approved CCBill accounts.
  8. From the Referrer Text Box, type the CCBill Affiliate ID for the cross sale. If you are using the CCBill Affiliate System , click the Check Box to the right of the Text Box.
  9. From the Promo Text drop-down menu, choose the advertisement information to display on the Sign Up Form or Approval page for the cross sale's account.
  10. Do NOT change the position of the Prompt Location Select Box. One of the following will be automatically selected for you:
    • Form - The cross sale will be presented on the Sign Up Form or the first part of the sign up process.
    • Approval - The cross sale will be presented on the Approval page or the last part of the sign up process.
    • Both - The cross sale will be presented on the Sign Up Form and/or Approval page. If the consumer selects the cross sale on the Sign Up Form then the cross sale will not be presented again on the Approval page. Otherwise, the cross sale will be presented on both the Sign Up Form and Approval page.
  11. Click the Create Promotional Sale button on the bottom of the Promotional page to save the cross sale information.

Cancel Discounts

You can view the number of times your Cancel Discounts were offered to subscribers and whether or not they accepted or rejected the discounts. Select all subaccounts or an individual subaccount and date range from the Selection Pane.

Click Apply Changes to display the Cancel Discounts report.

The left area of the Cancel Discounts report displays the Breakdown by column. The blue-linked items in the Breakdown by column allow you to sort the data in several ways.

  • Subaccount. The merchant 's subaccount number.
  • Date. The date of the subscription cancellation.
  • Subscription Type. The subscription type .
  • Discount. The discount amount.
  • Source. The source of the cancel discount; for example, consumer support or online cancellation.

When a breakdown link is clicked, the Cancel Discounts report displays the selected breakdown data in additional columns.

Field List (Cancel Discounts Report)

  • Total Viewed - The number of times the discounts were offered to consumers by count or percent.
  • Cancelled - The number of consumers who did not utilize the discount by count or percent.
  • Accepted - The number of customers who accepted the discount by count or percent.

Setting Up Cancel Discounts

Use the following step-by-step guide to set up a cancel discount the easy way.

  1. Choose a subaccount and the pricing options for your cancel discount.
  2. In the Sub Account drop-down menu choose an account for the cancel discount.
  3. In the Pricing drop-down menu choose the pricing options to offer the customer such as the subscription cost, trial period, billing type (single or recurring) and period. If there are no pricing options available in the Pricing drop-down menu, you can set up these up in the Pricing Admin area of the Tools Section.
  4. Click Go. This opens the Cancel Discount area in the Pricing Admin area of the Tools section.

The following steps of this guide refer to options that are set up in the Tools Cancel Discount area:

  1. From the Discount Amount Select Boxes, choose the amount in U.S. dollars of the reduction. If the dollar amount is $0.00, then no markdown is given.
  2. Submit the Cancel Discount information to CCBill's system. Click Submit on the bottom of the page to save to CCBill's system.
  3. You may remove the cancel discount by clicking Delete on the bottom of the page.

Loyalty Discounts

Loyalty Discounts in Premium Features allows you to set up loyalty discounts using a straightforward interface.

  1. Choose a subaccount and the pricing options for your loyalty discount.
  2. In the Sub Account drop-down menu choose an account for the loyalty discount.
  3. In the Pricing drop-down menu choose the pricing options to offer the customer such as the subscription cost, trial period, billing type (single or recurring) and period. If there are no pricing options available in the Pricing drop-down menu, you can set these up in the Pricing Admin area of the Tools Section.
  4. Click Go. This opens the Loyalty Discount page in the Pricing Admin area of the Tools section.

The following steps of this guide refer to options that are set up in the Tools Loyalty Discount area:

  1. From the Discount Amount Select Boxes, choose the amount in U.S. dollars of the reduction. If the dollar amount is $0.00, no markdown is given.
  2. From the Starting Rebill drop-down menu, choose the rebill number to start reducing the amount of the subscription.
  3. From the Discount Interval drop-down menu, choose the number of rebills between discounts.
  4. From the Number of Discounts drop-down menu, choose the amount of rebills to continue reducing the subscription amount.
  5. Review the Loyalty Discount information using the Amortization Table. Click the Show Amortization Table button on the bottom of the page to display a projection of the loyalty reductions over time.
  6. Submit the Loyalty Discount information to CCBill's system. Click Update on the bottom of the page to save to CCBill's system.
  7. You may remove the loyalty discount by clicking Delete on the bottom of the page.

Customize Emails

Although the CCBill default email template will be functional for most users, it may be modified by clicking Customize which will open a new editing window. Once the customize option has been selected the menu selection will change to Edit/Default. At any time in the future, click Edit to make changes to your template, or Default to return to the CCBill template.

Use the following step-by-step guide to set up a custom email:

  1. This step applies to Text emails ONLY. Skip this step if you selected an HTML email. Use the From Text Box to type in the senders email address. Use the Subject Text Box to type a title or topic for the email.
    • From – The email address of the sender.
    • Subject – The subject or topic of the message.

Merchants with appropriate permission can edit the From and Subject fields when creating customer text emails; HTML emails are locked and the data in the fields cannot be modified. If you require the ability to modify the From and Subject text for Customer emails, please contact Merchant Support at

  1. Use the pull-down menu to select Format:
    • TEXT & HTML – A text and HTML based format of the email. Go to Step 3.
    • TEXT Only – A text based format of the email. Go to Step 4.
  2. If using the HTML editor, after modifications are complete, click the blue arrow button to automatically convert the HTML to text.
  3. The converted text may be viewed in the Text section where additional edits may be made. Continue with Step 5.
  4. Edit text directly in this section and continue with Step 5.
  5. Use the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field to type in email addresses that will not be visible to others receiving a copy of the email.
    • To add an email address, type it into the first box and click Add Email, the address will be added to the list.
    • To remove an address, select it and click Remove Email.
  6. On completion, click Save to keep the email message for use again, or Cancel to return to Custom Emails.

Traffic Solutions

Use the following step-by-step guide to set up the website traffic flow the easy way. Traffic Flow in Value Added Features allows you to set up traffic flow through an easy-to-use interface.

  1. From Traffic Flow in Value Added Features, choose a subaccount and a form name.
  2. In the Sub Account drop-down menu, choose an account to modify the Traffic Flow information.
  3. In the Form Name drop-down menu, choose a Sign Up Form that will be the source of the denial. Choose from the current library of Sign Up Forms. You can look at the layout of the form to determine which form you are going to edit. To do this, click the view samples link to open the form in a new window.
  4. If you want to browse the form library for the subaccount, click the Prev and Next links to view all the successive forms available. When you have finished viewing the forms, click the Select link. The form window will automatically close.
  5. Click Go. This opens the Traffic page in the Form Admin section.

The Traffic page allows you to choose a form where to send customers when they are declined. For Example, if they were denied using a credit card, you can offer them the online check version of your Sign Up Form instead. Please note that customers are sent to the Denial URL for a second denial.

  1. In the Traffic Flow drop-down menu, choose a form to send the customer to one of the other payment option Sign Up Forms, if their sale is declined on the form.
  2. Click Submit.
  3. Click Update on the bottom of the Traffic page to save the Traffic information.

Form Popups

Form Popups are displayed to users upon exiting a form, or at a timed interval.

To create Form Popups, follow these steps from the Form Popups screen:

  1. In the Subaccount list, choose an account to modify the Form popup information.
  2. In the Form Name drop-down menu, choose a Signup Form to use for the popup. Choose from the current library of Signup Forms. You can look at the layout of the form to determine which form you are going to edit. To do this, click the selection of a banner or link advertisement by a consumer. The impact of Web advertisements are evaluated by how often consumers who see the ad click on it. the view samples link to open the form in a new window.
  3. If you want to browse the form library for the subaccount, click the Prev and Next links to view all the successive forms available. When you have finished viewing the forms, click the Select link. The form window will automatically close.
  4. Click Go. This opens the Traffic page in the Form Admin area of the Tools section.
  5. On the Traffic page, enter the Exit Popup URL and size of the pop-up window. When customers leave the Signup Form, this re-directs them to a new pop-up window to generate interest in another Web site or offer immediately.
  6. In the Exit Popup URL text box, enter a Web location to send the customer immediately after leaving the form.
  7. In the Exit Popup Attributes text box, type the height and width of the exit pop-up window in pixels. For example, on a standard monitor, a window with a height equal to 3 inches and width equal to 5 inches would require the exit popup attributes height to be 216 pixels and width to be 360 pixels.
  8. On the Traffic page, enter the Timed Popup URL. When the customer leaves the Signup Form, the Timed Popup URL re-directs them to a new popup window to get them interested in another website or offer after a specific amount of time. This is an optional feature.
  9. In the Timed Popup URL text box enter a Web location to send the customer after they view the form within the duration set by the Timed Popup Timeframe.
  10. In the Timed Popup Attributes text boxes type the height and width of the timed popup window in pixels.
  11. In the Timed Popup Timeframe text box, type the duration in seconds to wait before sending the customer to the Timed Popup URL.
  12. Click Update on the bottom of the Traffic page to save the popup information.