How to Customize Consumer Cancel Emails

Cancel emails are automatically sent to customers when their subscription is canceled.

CCBill sends an additional email to the merchant’s registered email address to inform them about the cancellation.

Find out how to modify the content and appearance of your Consumer Cancel emails.

Step 1: Access Consumer Cancel Email

To access customer-facing Cancel emails for an individual subaccount:

1. Access the CCBill Admin.

2. Click Account Info.

3. Open the Sub Account Admin.

Steps to access Custom emails in the CCBill Admin.

4. Select a subaccount for which you would like to customize emails.

Select subaccount for customizing emails in CCBill Admin.

5. Click Custom Emails.

Custom Emails feature in the CCBill subaccount Admin.

Step 2: Modify Consumer Cancel Email

To customize customer-facing Cancel emails:

1. Select Customize for the Cancel email type in the Consumer column.

Customize consumer cancel emails in the CCBill Admin.

2. Use the dropdown menu to select an email editing format. Selecting an email type does not only determine the editing format but the appearance of the email itself.

  • TEXT & HTML – The TEXT & HTML option results in a visually engaging email and includes numerous data variables by default. Continue to step 3 of this section to edit an email using HTML and plain text.
  • TEXT Only – The TEXT ONLY email type is a simple textual rendition with only essential transaction information. However, additional variables can be added manually if necessary. Continue to step 9 of this section to edit the email using plain text only.
Chose custom email format.

Customer-facing Cancel emails contain variables that allow CCBill’s system to automatically insert relevant and personalized customer and merchant data.

This is a comprehensive list of variables merchants can add when customizing emails:

1.Customer First Name%%customer_fname%%
2.Customer Last Name%%customer_lname%%
3.Customer Address%%address1%%
4.Customer City%%city%%
5.Customer State%%state%%
6.Customer Country%%country%%
7.Customer ZIP%%zipcode%%
8.Customer Email%%email%%
9.Customer Username%%username%%
10.Customer Password%%password%%
11.Client Account Number%%clientAccnum%%
12.Client Subaccount Number%%clientSubacc%%
13.Registered URL%%registeredURL%%
14.Client’s Company Name%%companyName%%
15.Subscription ID%%subscription_id%%
17.Product Description%%productDesc%%
18.Approval URL%%approvalURL%%
19.Customer Support URL%%customerSupportURL%%
20.Loyalty Discount%%loyaltyDiscount%%
21.IP Address%%ipAddress%%
22.Cancel Date%%cancel_date%%


3. Insert the custom HTML content in the editing pane.

Use the double-headed arrow in the lower right corner of the editing pane to resize the window for a better overview of the content.

Add HTML to custom emails in the CCBill Admin.

4. (Optional) Use the i dropdown menu to insert CCBill variables.

Add HTML to custom emails in the CCBill Admin.

5. (Optional) Use the small toolbar to format the content (i.e., fonts, alignment, text color, indenting, and images).

6. Click the Convert HTML To Text Email button to automatically convert your custom HTML to text.

Edit custom approval email and convert to text

7. Click OK to close the popup window that confirms the HTML was converted to Text.

Confirm that the custom HTML is to be converted to text.

8. The converted text is visible in the Text pane. You can use this pane to make additional edits if necessary.

Changes made in the text pane will not be visible in the preview but will appear in the actual email.

Review email after adding custom HTML.

Continue to section Step 3: (Optional) BCC.


9. Edit the email text directly in the TEXT section.

Use the double-headed arrow in the lower right corner of the editing pane to resize the window for a better overview of the content.

Edit custom email using the TEXT Only option.

10. (Optional) Use the i dropdown menu to insert CCBill variables into the email text.

Insert variables using the text only custom email option.

Step 3: (Optional) BCC

Use the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) section to add email addresses that receive a copy of the Cancel email. Other recipients cannot see the BCC email addresses.

1. Enter an email address in the BCC field.

2. Click Add Email.

Add BCC to custom email.

The email address was added to the email list.

3. To remove a BCC email from the list, select the email and click Remove Email.

Remove BCC from custom email.

Step 4: Save and Preview Changes

Once you are satisfied with the customized email, click Save.

Clicking Cancel discards all changes and allows you to start over.

Save custom email edits.

To preview the changes, select Preview for the Cancel email type.

Preview customized consumer cancel email.

An example of the email is displayed in a new browser window.

Example of Consumer Cancel email in a preview window.

After customizing an email template, the menu selection will change to Edit/Default.

Options to edit or delete customized email.

Click Edit to make changes to your template, or Default to return to the CCBill template.