
There are two types of discounts available to you:

  • Cancel Discount
  • Loyalty Discount

Cancel Discount

The Cancel Discount is offered to customers on the CCBill Cancellation page.

Canceling members will receive this page when they:

  1. Go to the CCBill Cancellation page that is available on
  2. Enter their email address and their Subscription ID or Credit Card number.
  3. Click to cancel their subscription from the Subscription Matrix.

Enter the required information for the cancel discount amount. This is the amount in U.S. dollars of the reduction. If the dollar amount is $0.00, then no markdown is given. For example, if you enter a $5.00 discount amount for a subscription price of $19.99, the canceling members will be offered the option to continue their subscriptions for only $14.99 a month for the remaining life of their membership.

Click Submit to save the Cancel Discount information to CCBill's system.

Click Delete to remove the Discount.

Loyalty Discount

The Loyalty Discount is offered to your new customers on either the Sign Up Form or the Approval page. The discount options determine the amount of the discount, when to begin the discount, how many rebills you would like to offer the discount, and whether or not you would like to offer additional reductions or discounts after the initial discount period.

Enter the required information for the loyalty discount values as follows:

  • Discount Amount. The amount in U.S. dollars of the reduction. If the dollar amount is $0.00, then no markdown is given.
  • Starting Rebill. The rebill number to start reducing the amount of the subscription.
  • Discount Interval. The number of rebills between discounts.
  • Number of Discounts. The amount of rebills to continue to reducing the subscription amount.

Click Update to save the Loyalty Discount information to CCBill's system. Click Delete to remove the Loyalty Discount.

Review the Loyalty Discount information using the helpful Amortization Table. Click the Show Amortization Table button to display a projection of the loyalty reductions over time.