The Form Hits report provides information about the number of Consumer Sign-Up Form views, submissions, and approvals for subaccount websites.
To open the Form Hits report:
1. Access the Admin Portal.
2. Select an individual subaccount or All in the drop-down menu. By selecting All, you can retrieve data for the entire merchant account.
3. Click Reports.
4. Select Form Hits.
5. Click Open Report.
6. Set the Start and End Date range.
7. Check the boxes for the types of forms to include in the report. The report consists of results for JPost, FlexForms Live, and FlexForms Sandbox transactions.
8. Click Apply Changes.
9. Select one of the available parameters by clicking the corresponding link. Choosing a parameter will itemize the report format and determine how the data will be ordered.
The parameters include the following:
10. When a breakdown link is selected, the Form Hits report displays additional columns containing the date, subaccount number, form name, referring URL, or affiliate ID. The column list is as follows:
Field List (Form Hits Report)
The green-colored section displays the sum of the total counts and percentages for each column's data.