Modify Subaccount Advanced

The Advanced page permits the establishment of Background Post Information, Cancel Information, and Email Validation for a subaccount.

Background Post Information

Background Post Information is used to set up URLs that optionally post customer data (minus credit card and checking details), including information sent to CCBill by way of specific URLs, when a transaction is completed.

To Set Background Post Information:

  1. Type the Approval Post URL. The URL to which basic form data will be sent, via an HTTP Post, for new signup attempts that are approved.
  2. Type the Denial Post URL. The URL to which basic form data will be sent, via an HTTP Post, for new signup attempts that are declined.
  3. Satellite Locations. Choose a server geographically close to you for the receipt of Background Posts (the default is Phoenix). Choosing a closer server can make posts both faster and less likely to fail. Available servers and IP Addresses are:
    • Phoenix, AZ. 64.38.241
    • Ashburn, VA. 64.38.212
    • Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 64.38.215

Before making your selection you need to properly configure the IP Addresses that you receive posts from in your own system to allow posts from our IP Addresses (listed in the help) and prevent post failure. If you are not sure how to do this or would like assistance, please contact Merchant Support.


  1. Click Update to save changes.

Cancel Information

Cancel Information establishes the location and hyperlink text for the customer Cancel URL. When a consumer cancels a subscription on CCBill's support site, the Text for Cancel URL will be given as a link to the Cancel URL. If the Cancel URL link is clicked, the Cancel URL will be displayed immediately; and if not, they will be redirected to the Cancel URL seven seconds after canceling the service.

To Set Cancel Information:

  1. Type the Cancel URL. The web location to send customer cancellation traffic after they have cancelled.
  2. Type the Text for Cancel URL. The hyperlink text to display for the customer that will describe the web location specified by the Cancel URL.
  3. Click Update to save changes.

Email Validation

Email Validation establishes email, payment, and affiliate validation options. During the signup process, consumers who meet specified criteria receive a confirmation email from CCBill. Email Validation requires that consumers confirm the information by clicking on a provided link before obtaining a subscription.

Some options may not be available to you. Please contact Merchant Support if you would like to utilize the options mentioned here but not showing in the Admin.

Follow these steps to Set Email Validation:

  1. Apply Country Validation. Select YES to utilize country validation and display the list with available countries. Select NO to exclude country validation via email.
  2. Countries. Click on the country to be validated via email when a consumer enters it on the Signup form. Hold down the Control key to select multiple countries. The countries list will not be displayed if NO is selected in the previous field.
  3. Apply Payment Validation. Select YES to utilize payment validation and display the available payment options. Select NO to exclude payment validation via email.
  4. Cards Accepted. Use the check boxes to select the payment options for validation via email during the signup process. The payment options will not be displayed if NO is selected in the previous field.
  5. Apply Affiliate Validation. Select YES to utilize affiliate validation and display the affiliate text box where Affiliate IDs can be entered. Select NO to exclude affiliate validation via email.
  6. Affiliates. Enter the Affiliate ID(s) to validate via email during the signup process. Affiliate IDs must be separated by commas, e.g., 123456, 124365, 123344 when entered into the text box. The affiliate text box will not be displayed if NO is selected in the previous field.
  7. Click Update to save changes.

Setting up Google™ Analytics

CCBill offers support for adding analytics code (provided by Google™) to your forms. Google™ Analytics allows you to track specific data about the people who use your website. For more information about Google™ Analytics, or to sign up for a Google™ Analytics account, please visit their website. To use this feature, you must first obtain a Web Tracking ID from your Google™ Analytics account. Paste the ID in the Google Analytics box, and click Update. You MUST use the Reset All Forms link to complete the process.

Setting up Google™ Analytics on the sub-account level will only affect the change on that individual sub-account. To add the same Google™ Analytics code for ALL sub-accounts, make the change on the Main Account instead of on the sub-account (on the Account Info Mega Menu Main Account>Account Admin).

Be aware that if you have analytics set up for a subaccount and then apply analytics at the main account level the subaccount setting will NOT be overwritten. You will have to add the new analytics code to that subaccount manually (on the Account Info Mega Menu Manage the Subaccounts>Subaccount Admin>Advanced).