Traffic Flows

The Traffic Flows tab allows you to perform the following functions:

  • View the Traffic Flow List
  • Create a New Traffic Flow
  • Copy an Existing Traffic Flow
  • Edit an Existing Traffic Flow
  • Copy Code for a Traffic Flow

View the Traffic Flow List

The Traffic Flow List is displayed when you click the Traffic Flows tab in the Traffic Manager. All of your existing active and inactive traffic flows are listed. You can adjust the order of the traffic flows by clicking the arrow next to the column headings. Doing this will adjust the display to show alphabetically by that column either ascending or descending.

Create a New Traffic Flow

To create a new Traffic Flow:

  1. From the Traffic Flows tab in the Traffic Manager, click Create New Traffic Flow at the bottom right.
  2. Enter a unique name for your traffic flow in the Name field.
  3. Enter a unique Description for the traffic flow in that field.
  4. Enter the Post Proxy URL (if you wish to receive post-back information from the flow, enter the post proxy URL here).
  5. Choose the Filter from the drop-down menu. Filters allow the Traffic Flow to flow in different ways depending on whether an affiliate ID number is passed into the Traffic Flow.
    • Select Default from the list to edit the Traffic Flow for situations where no affiliate ID is passed into the flow.
    • Select Edit CCBill Affiliate Filter to edit the flow to be used when an affiliate ID is passed. Both paths will be saved when the Traffic Flow is saved (see below).
  6. Choose Active for status to set the traffic flow as active.
  7. Drag your configurations from the Available Configurations List to the Selected Configurations List.
  8. Drag the configurations within the Selected Configurations list to determine which order they should process in.
  9. Click Save when your Traffic Flow is complete.

Copy an Existing Traffic Flow

If you need to make a new traffic flow but want to base it on an existing traffic flow, you can use the Copy functionality.

  1. Click Copy on the right side of the row for the traffic flow that you wish to duplicate.
  2. Enter new information for the Name, Description, Post Proxy URL, and Filter (an alternate flow for affiliate-referred transactions) fields.
  3. Make any changes to the traffic flow by adding, moving, or removing configurations to/from the Selected Configurations list.
  4. Click Save to create the new configuration.

Edit an Existing Traffic Flow

If you need to make changes to a traffic flow:

  1. Click the Edit button at the right of the row for the traffic flow you wish to edit.
  2. Make any changes you require.
  3. Click Save to save your changes, Reset if you change your mind.

Copy Code for a Traffic Flow

To successfully use any traffic flow, you must link to it. Paste the code for the traffic flow that you wish to use on your site so that consumers can use it to pay for your content. There are several different ways to retrieve the code for a traffic flow:

From the Traffic Flow list, click the Code button next to the traffic flow you wish to place. The code provided can be copied/pasted like normal or you can use the Copy Code button on the screen. Close the pop-up when you are finished.

In the Edit and Create functions there is a Generate Code button that will allow you to create and copy the code for placement on your site.